SCript Race: Azure VS AWS

Let us compare the data I collected from both my scripts I made for AWS and Azure. Each script accomplishes the same things:

  • Deploy two Windows Server VMs from the providers official image repository
  • Deploy one internet facing load balancer with the two servers behind it on port 80
  • Use the providers built in orchestration method to install IIS and place a simple webpage in the root web directory
  • Validate the website is being served over the internet through the Load Balancer

Here is a comparison of the common tasks:

Here is a table of all the data:

TaskSecondsDuration in SecondsDuration in Minutes
Script Start00.00
Create Load Balancer14140.23
Create VM11761622.70
Install IIS On VM181664010.67
Deploy Website on VM1878621.03
Add VM1 to LoadBalancer954761.27
Create VM211151612.68
Install IIS On VM214853706.17
Deploy Website on VM21547621.03
Add VM2 to LoadBalancer1601540.90
Website Available160210.02
Script Complete (Total)1602160226.70
TaskSecondsDuration in SecondsDuration in Minutes
Script Start00.00
Create Load Balancer880.13
Create VM11570.12
Create VM22160.10
Assign SSM IAM Role on VM137160.27
Assign SSM IAM Role on VM24140.07
Deploy System Management Agent on VM11671262.10
Deploy System Management Agent on VM21701292.15
Execute Install IIS & Website On VM117220.03
Execute Install IIS & Website On VM217310.02
Add VM1 to LoadBalancer17520.03
Add VM2 to LoadBalancer17720.03
Website Available260831.38
Script Complete (Total)2602604.30
Certain tasks in AWS do not wait for their execution to complete. Checks were added in the script and the duration column indicates which were essentially run in parallel.

As you can see from the data above, in terms of automation AWS is much faster.

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